Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Checking Pressures on Vehicles with Electrically Driven A/C Compressor (Vehicles with Hybrid Drive)

Audi A4 (B9) 2016-2025 Service Manual / Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning / Pressures, Checking / Checking Pressures on Vehicles with Electrically Driven A/C Compressor (Vehicles with Hybrid Drive)


 General Information

Extremely Dangerous Due to High-Voltage The high-voltage system is under high-voltage. Death or serious bodily injury by electric shock. - Individuals with electronic/medical life- and health su

 Specified Values for the Refrigerant Circuit Pressures

  Note On vehicles with a high-voltage system but without a heat pump (for example on Audi A3 e-tron, Audi Q5 hybrid, Audi A6 hybrid and Audi A8 hybrid) no check valves are installed in the r

 Refrigerant Circuit Pressures Specified Values, Vehicles with Heat Pump

  Note On vehicles with a high-voltage system and heat pump (for example on the Audi Q7 e-tron) installed in the refrigerant circuit and electrically activated vehicles which regulate the f


 A/C Technology Basic Principles

Physical Principles The four known states of water also apply to air conditioning system refrigerants. 1 - Gaseous (invisible) 2 - Vapor 3 - Liquid 4 - Solid When water is heated in a container (heat absorption), water vapor can be seen to rise. If the vapo


Reinstall any covers on the wheel bolts that were removed. Store the vehicle tool kit in its designated place. If the removed wheel does not fit in the spare wheel well, store it securely in the luggage compartment. Check the tire pressure on the installed wheel as soon as possible. Corre

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