Special tools and workshop equipment required
Engine Support Bridge -10-222A-
Engine Sling -2024A-
Engine Support Bridge Adapter -3147-
Ring Wrench 7-Piece Set -3337-
Torque Wrench 1332 Insert -
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Clutch Module Assembly Aid -T40169-
Clutch Module Transportation Lock -T40170-
as well as when removing with listed special tools
Engine Support Brid
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Clutch Module Assembly Aid -T40169-
Clutch Module Transportation Lock -T40170-
as well as when removing with listed special tools
Engine Support Bridge - Spindle -10-222A/11-
Shop Crane -VAS6100-
Engine Sling -2024A-
Torque Wrench 1332 Insert - R
- Free up the wire to be repaired approximately 20 cm on both
sides of the repair point.
Risk of damaging the electrical wires.
Expose wrapped wiring harnesses carefully.
- If necessary, removing the wiring harness wrapping using a
- Cut out the dam